For Individuals
Awareness of your strengths is really just the beginning. Learning how to aim your strengths at achieving your goals is the ultimate hope. Whether you have personal or professional goals, I can help you create a plan that helps you get there by helping you focus on what you are best at. I want you to deeply learn about yourself through our sessions, but the end goal is how to activate what you are learning to greater effectiveness and joy. Every consultation will have some discovery and learning component as well as a time for planning action items and next steps.
Develop your leadership capacity;
Gain self-awareness and self-understanding;
Increase your relational effectiveness;
Increase your organizational effectiveness;
Adopt a strengths-based perspective and outlook to your academics, career, and relationships;
Learn your individual strengths, with corresponding insights, applications, and action items;
Understand potential downsides of your strengths.

One-on-one Session | $100
You can book a one hour, one-on-one coaching session tailored to your desired goals and development complete with pre-reflection questions and action steps. These can be scheduled on a need by need basis with hourly pricing.
4 Sessions | $350
Schedule 4 sessions up front and save! This is helpful for ongoing coaching and follow up. This also a great gift to give someone. These can be scheduled anytime within a calendar year to best suit your needs.
Monthly Coaching for One Year | $1000
This is a great deal if you would like to work with me for a calendar year. This is especially helpful for managers or for people in a year of transition or cultural shifts.

For Teams
Remarkable things happen when teams connect what everyone naturally does best with clear performance goals and expectations. This connection can't happen unless team members can answer these questions:
What are my talents and strengths?
What unique contribution do I make to the team?
How do we best work together using our strengths?
What do I need from my boss and others?
Pricing for each worskhop is $500 plus travel. Review the team workshops below and book a discovery call to discuss the best fit for your team.
Creating a Strengths-Based Culture
Intro to Strengths | 1.5 Hours
This workshop focuses on the philosophy of a strengths based culture as well as helps individuals discover and understand what their top themes mean individually and as a team.
The Power of Team Partnerships | 1.5 Hours
This workshop helps people see and value the partnerships that are in the room as we dialogue with one another about what each member brings to the table and what each member needs from each other. We will also talk about how to handle healthy conflict in this session through the lens of strengths.
High Performance Teams
The DNA of a Team | 1 Hour
We will focus on understanding how the team can work collectively together toward goals with the given talents in the room. As strengths fall into four different domains, so this session helps teams see the bigger dynamics at play as well as potential blind spots.
The Best of Us | 1.5 Hours
This workshop will help teams with a purposeful application of their talents. Developing a culture like this takes practice and commitment. This is for teams that want to be able to have an action plan of how they will use their strength themes together consistently. This is also a powerful workshop to help everyone see opportunities that can best position them for effectiveness and growth in the future.